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Leave a Legacy

Here at The Hope Appeal, we understand that thinking about passing away and leaving loved ones behind is not the easiest thing to do. You will want to make sure that your family and friends are taken care of when writing your Will, but have you considered leaving something behind for those who don’t even have the basics, like water, food and shelter? 

Why leave a gift in your Will?

Have you or someone you love received help and support from a charity? Maybe you know someone who received palliative care, and wonderful nurses stepped in to make the end of life process easier for the patient and family, or perhaps you reached out to a social welfare charity for help during a time of financial crisis. Whatever the circumstances may have been, charities touch our lives in one way or another. Charities play a fundamental role in creating long-lasting change, and they are there for you, me, and everyone. Let’s not take them for granted because we can’t do without them. 

So what’s the best way to ensure that charities continue supporting future generations?  

The best way to do this is to leave a gift in your Will. We can’t do our work without such gifts, and for many charities, they comprise a large part of their annual income.  

4 reasons why leaving a gift in your Will is so rewarding

  1. Studies have shown that making others happy creates a sense of peace, purpose, and pride within ourselves. 
  2. It’s a wonderful feeling to know that you will be making a difference in the world long after you have passed away. Your legacy will live on and help millions of people everywhere.  
  3. The total amount of inheritance tax is reduced from 40 percent to 36 percent. 
  1. Many people leave a gift in their Will in the name of a loved one, keeping their memory alive.   

6 reasons why a Will is important 

Decide what happens to your estate after you pass away 

A Will is a legally-binding document that lets you decide how your estate is distributed to your loved ones after you have passed away. Passing away without a Will means the government will intervene, which could result in people whom you would like to inherit your estate ending up with nothing. Writing a Will also minimises the chances of any disputes arising at an already difficult time.  

Avoid estate and assets tax  

A Will allows you to minimise your estate taxes. Passing your estate and assets onto family members will reduce the amount of inheritance tax they will have to pay.  For further information on the tax benefits of leaving a gift in your Will, please refer to

Choose your own executors 

It is important to appoint honest and trustworthy executors who decide the affairs of your estate, ensuring that all loose ends are tied up. This may include paying off bills, cancelling debit and credit cards, and informing banks and businesses of your passing.  

Choose who you want to disinherit  

You may want to disinherit individuals who may otherwise stand to inherit from your estate if you pass away without a Will.   

You can change your mind at any time 

While you are still alive, you can amend and change your Will at any time. Circumstances can change, like going through a divorce, having another child, or even moving abroad. Modifying and updating your Will at any time will take away the stress of making any changes once you have passed away.  

You don’t know what tomorrow will bring 

We often put off writing a Will, but life is unpredictable, and since the global pandemic swept across the globe, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed for any of us. Writing a Will will safeguard your assets and estate, ensuring that loved ones are provided for after your death. Minimise the stress placed on family members when you pass away by writing your Will today.  

For a free Will and legacy consultation, please get in touch with us via phone or email

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