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Support The Hope Appeal

We need your support to get The Hope Appeal off the ground. As a charity in its infancy, supporting us will ensure we can help millions of people around the globe.

All charities have costs they need to cover, like delivery and administration costs, website maintenance, producing campaign-related materials, and other general running costs.

The Hope Appeal can only sustain its work with the backing and support of our generous donors. Supporting our work will help us strengthen our impact across the world.

Supporting us means we can

  • Develop and sustain long-term aid projects and bring relief to millions of people.
  • Train staff to oversee the administration and distribution of donations.
  • Empower people at the local level to run the most effective aid programmes.
  • Cover administration costs like audits and annual reports to comply with legal obligations and Charity Commission rules.
  • Make sure our essential costs are covered so we can use donations/funds for emergency aid and relief work. 

Partner with us today by setting up a regular gift 

There are millions of people in the world who do not have access to the basics like water, food, and shelter. That’s why our work is so important, and we can’t do it without you. 

Partner with us from just £5 a month

  • £5 Per Month
  • £10 Per Month
  • £15 Per Month

Support our work and be part of the change you want to see in the world